NVSP | National Voters Service Portal

The national voter’s service portal “NVSP” has been designed to provide services to the citizens using information technology. Under a single-window, citizens can connect with the Commission’s online portal in VSP for various services.

The services that fall under the category of NVSP are search in the electoral Roll, name search by epic or voter ID card locating, your polling station on a map, the printing of voter information, sleep online registration as an elector, and finding contacts of ERO and BLO of your area.


NVSP was launched on the occasion of national voter’s day 25th January in 2015. This user interface is available in both English and Hindi languages on desktop and mobile.

How to login to NVSP?

There are different ways with which you can log in to your NVSP portal-


STEP1 Once you visit the portal https://voters.eci.gov.in/. The whole screen shows the icons to all the services.

STEP2 Clicking on the name search in the electoral roll icon will take you to a window where a name search can be done using details of the person or using the EPI sea or voter I card number.

 STEP3 In the search by detail section, fill in your required details such as name, family members, your name, date of births or age, state, and constituency.

STEP4 You can get information regarding your registration in the electoral Roll. In this option, only the name field is mandatory for searching. Floating keyboards in 22different Indian languages provide for data entry location can be selected through a drop-down list of states and constituencies or the map. 

STEP5 You can now click on the map icon’s location on this page to find your district or constituency. The portal searches within a 2-kilometre range of latitude and longitude selected and show up the first 10 out of the matched records in the results list along with pagination buttons given to view details.

Option 2:

Moving on to another name search option to search by EPIC number, you would be required to fill in your EPIC number to check whether your name is registered in the electoral roll shape. Once you see the details of your registration, you can print your voter information slip. 

What is the use of voter information slip? 

Voter information slips help the person find his or her name on the voter’s list, and it gives all the information about the citizen. It is required to be carried by the voter on the day of the election and the polling booths.

How can I get a copy of my voter information slip? 

After searching your name in the electoral search, the results displayed show the view details button on the right side on clicking the view details button. A detailed elector’s information appears. This is your voter information slip. Using the print button, you can print it to see how easy it is.

How to search polling stations?

That can also be searched through an NBS reporter. Google map service has been integrated for the national electoral search to locate the map’s polling station details. The latitude and longitude coordinates of polling stations have been mapped once the record is searched; the result list displays the elector’s details and the assembly constituency parliamentary constituency, and the polling station name.

When you click on the polling station link, you can see where it lies on the map. Not only this, but you can also get the contact details at election officials such as DEO, ERO, and BLO, etc. by clicking on see your official’s link, you can also download the PDF electoral roll of your polling station.

Other ways to get registered as a voter?

You have to use NVSP portals and apply online for registration of a new voter link. It will take you online to form six for the inclusion of your name. Choose your preferred language for filling up the form with details like state assembly or parliamentary constituency, name, gender, age, date of birth, place of birth, detail particulars of family members, and location of ordinary residence. 

Don’t forget to upload supporting documents such as photo identity proof and address proof. Now comes another important part of the procedure which is sparked for that is a declaration. 

In this step, you are required to declare that you are not enrolled as an elector at any other place of constituency before filling this form, and just in case you are unsure about your role, you must select my name. You may have been included in the electoral roll. Now complete the declaration by providing information in all fields marked mandatory with a strict mark.

What about for Overseas Indians Registration?

Nowadays, even overseas Indians can do online registration by filling online form 6a in the same manner. Again, do not forget to upload the supporting documents and necessary declarations, failing which your applications will be considered incomplete and not processed further. 

Need any Correction

Suppose we need to correct your name and address in electoral rolls for making any corrections. In that case, you have to fill form 8a for fixing your name or address. If you have changed your address within the same assembly constituency, then your polling station might have changed, and you will need to fill form 8a in this case to give details of your new address. 


Finally, you all know that becoming a voter is so easy and just a click away. I hope you all know going to use this portal and also tell your friends about it. Remember, NVSP provides one-stop services for easy registration and easy correction, so now enrol as a voter and exercise your precious right to vote.

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